Are you team sweet potato pie or pumpkin pie? I love both and have often put pumpkin in my overnight oats, but this is the first time I tried it with sweet potato and it was amazing! This is so cozy and delicious, and a great filling nutritious option to start the day.

Here’s the recipe:
Ingredients (makes 1 serving):
½ cup cooked mashed sweet potato
1 cup plant-based milk
1-2 large carrots, scrubbed and rinsed
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp pumpkin spice mix or: 1 tsp cinnamon, ½ tsp nutmeg, ¼ tsp allspice, ¼ tsp ginger, ¼ tsp cloves
½ cup oats
Optional: 1-2 tbsp maple syrup or honey, berries to mix-in
Blend the ingredients - except the oats and any berries to mix in - together until smooth.
Add this mixture to ½ cup oats, mix in any berries, and refrigerate overnight (or at least 6 hours).
Top with your favorite granola (I used cinnamon buckwheat crunch - use code "barreandbrunch10" for 10% off!), berries, and/or your favorite nut butter and enjoy!